The photo captures elegance and poise as Melania Trump continues to set the standard for first lady fashion.
Indiana resident Matthew Huttle was killed in an altercation with police after resisting arrest.
Vice President promises reforms to speed federal emergency response efforts.
Evidence reveals China’s infiltration of critical U.S. infrastructure as a growing threat to national security.
Critics slam Qatar’s support of Hamas and its history of anti-Trump propaganda.
Socialist president Lula da Silva demands answers over U.S. deportation practices.
House Oversight Committee demands accountability for policies protecting illegal immigrants.
The executive action prioritizes military readiness over radical gender ideology.
Vice President slams lax vetting process, prioritizing American safety over political narratives.
Intelligence agencies increasingly agree COVID-19 originated from a Wuhan lab, as transparency efforts ramp up.
At a Las Vegas rally, Trump mocks Biden’s bloated IRS and highlights border security priorities.
Chairman Comer suggests preemptive pardons could be an "admission of guilt" unlikely to withstand legal scrutiny.