House Democrats choose veteran lawmaker Gerry Connolly over the Squad’s rising star.
Ukrainian retaliation strikes at the heart of Russia's leadership over war crimes.
GOP lawmakers express confidence in Kennedy’s commitment to reinstating pro-life policies at HHS.
Armed illegal alien gang members linked to violent attacks in Aurora neighborhood.
Ward faces backlash for airing questionable story amid accusations of staging events.
Trump calls public admiration for the suspect a “sickness” and denounces the brutal killing.
Trump emphasizes vaccine safety while promising to lower drug costs and investigate health issues.
Anti-Israel agitators at George Mason face exposure after shocking discoveries.
Decades of hostility and inflammatory rhetoric have pushed Israel to take a stand.
The president takes credit for hostage releases he had little to do with.
Authorities warn dangerous misidentifications could cause deadly accidents.
Democrats favor veteran Gerry Connolly over progressive firebrand.