Vivek Murthy highlights urgent need to address adolescent mental health crisis.
Viral Clips Criticized as Misleading Amid Concerns Over Biden's Fitness
Biden tries to divert attention from his administration's failures by attacking Trump.
Gates envisions a future with over 100 new nuclear plants to ensure energy security and environmental sustainability.
Congressman argues for withholding federal funds from areas that violate constitutional protections.
Rep. Ro Khanna and Sen. Bernie Sanders criticize Netanyahu's policies and past actions.
Former U.S. official Dan Senor explains the double standards and Hamas' unwillingness to negotiate.
Seinfeld mocks heckler, reaffirming comedy as a space for laughter, not politics.
Biden's latest gaffes raise questions about his ability to lead.
Former president reflects on DACA's impact while urging Congress to solidify protections for Dreamers.
Cruz condemns Garland’s DOJ for unprecedented partisanship and corruption.
Scott criticizes Biden’s handling of crime and immigration, praises Trump’s policies.