Cori Bush Threatens AIPAC After Primary Defeat

Ousted Congresswoman Vows to Intensify Activism Against Pro-Israel Group.

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) reacted to her recent primary defeat with a fiery speech targeting the pro-Israel group AIPAC, vowing to take down what she referred to as their "kingdom." Following her loss to St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, Bush delivered a passionate response in a series of videos shared by Mark Maxwell, political editor at KSDK, a St. Louis NBC News affiliate.

Bush's remarks, marked by a mixture of defiance and threats, reflect her frustration and determination to pursue activism outside of Congress. "Pulling me away from my position as Congresswoman, all you did was take some of the strings off," she declared. Bush asserted that her removal from office had only served to "radicalize" her further, adding that AIPAC and others should be wary of her newfound freedom from political constraints.

Key Points from Bush's Response:

  • Accused AIPAC of contributing to her defeat by funding Bell's campaign.

  • Threatened to challenge corporations and pro-Israel groups with increased activism.

  • Criticized Bell and alluded to ongoing legal issues involving his office.

Bush claimed that her ouster was indicative of a greater purpose beyond Congress. "AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down," she shouted, signaling her intent to continue her activism with renewed vigor. She also put corporations on notice, emphasizing that she would not be acting alone. "I’m coming with all the people that’s in here, that’s doing the work," Bush insisted, asserting her commitment to fighting for social justice.

Bush attributed her loss to Bell largely to the financial influence of AIPAC, which reportedly spent $9 million supporting Bell’s campaign. This influx of funding came after Bush voiced support for anti-Israel protests, including those that disrupted college campuses nationwide. Fellow “Squad” member Jamaal Bowman, who faced a similar fate earlier this summer, also blamed AIPAC for his defeat.

Background on Bush's Political Journey:

  • Rose to prominence as an activist in Ferguson after Michael Brown's death.

  • Defeated incumbent Rep. William “Lacy” Clay Jr. in 2020.

  • Lost to Bell in the Democratic primary by a margin of 51.2-45.6.

Bush's response to her primary loss extended beyond AIPAC, targeting Bell with personal attacks related to a pending sex discrimination lawsuit against his office. She insinuated that Bell's victory might not hold up under scrutiny, hinting at legal troubles he faces as he prepares to assume office.

The ousted Congresswoman, known for advocating policies such as "defund the police," has been under investigation for payments made to her husband, a security guard, while continuing to employ costly private security herself. Despite her impending exit from Congress, Bush appears poised to amplify her activism and challenge the institutions she believes are responsible for her political downfall.

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