Trump Presses Israel to Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites

Trump emphasizes that Iran’s nuclear sites are the top priority in the face of escalating threats.

Former President Donald Trump urged Israel on Friday to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities in retaliation for the Islamic regime's recent aggression. Iran launched nearly 200 ballistic missiles into Israel earlier this month, sparking widespread concern over the nation’s growing threat in the Middle East. Trump made his remarks during a Q&A session with voters in Fayetteville, North Carolina, where he has been touring to assess the damage from Hurricane Helene.

Trump took a swipe at President Biden’s hesitant approach toward Iran, stating, “I listened to Biden yesterday … they asked him, what do you think about Iran, would you hit Iran? And he goes, ‘As long as they don’t hit the nuclear stuff.’” Trump then added, “That’s the thing you want to hit, right? It’s the biggest risk we have nuclear weapons.”

The former president made it clear that Israel should prioritize neutralizing Iran’s nuclear capabilities, given the existential threat posed by a nuclear-armed Iran. “It’s the one you’re supposed to hit,” Trump reiterated, calling out Biden’s reluctance to support a decisive strike against Tehran’s nuclear infrastructure.

Israel has been firm in its stance, warning Iran that any missile attack will result in severe retaliation, potentially targeting Iran’s oil or nuclear facilities. With Iran on the brink of nuclear capability experts estimate they could obtain a nuclear weapon within weeks, depending on their stockpile of enriched uranium the stakes have never been higher.

While some analysts argue that Iran is still several months away from developing a working nuclear weapon, the assumption relies on Tehran's transparency, a questionable premise given Iran’s history of covert operations. Critics of the Biden administration point to its lenient foreign policy as a contributing factor to Iran’s aggression. Notably, data from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies shows that Trump’s exit from the Iran nuclear deal did not prompt Iran’s uranium enrichment. Instead, Iran began enriching uranium in violation of the agreement after Biden was elected.

Moreover, the Biden-Harris administration has weakened sanctions enforcement, allowing Iran to profit from oil sales, funneling tens of billions of dollars into funding terrorism across the region. While Democrats attempt to deflect blame from the administration’s foreign policy failures, evidence suggests that Biden’s softer stance has emboldened Iran and its proxy forces.

With the potential for a nuclear-armed Iran looming, Trump’s message to Israel is simple: act now, before it’s too late.

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