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  • Trump Prepared for Full-Scale Trade War with China to Address Fentanyl Crisis, Says Vance

Trump Prepared for Full-Scale Trade War with China to Address Fentanyl Crisis, Says Vance

Senator Vance Criticizes Biden-Harris Administration's Inaction.

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) stated over the weekend that former President Donald Trump is prepared to wage an all-out trade war with China if necessary to halt the fentanyl crisis plaguing the United States. Vance’s comments on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” come amid growing concern over the increasing number of American deaths attributed to fentanyl, a problem that has escalated under the current Biden-Harris Administration.

During the interview, Vance was asked about his views on China, specifically whether he sees the nation as a competitor or an adversary. “I think they’re both,” he replied. “We want to build an international order where we can check China. We don’t want to go to war with China, but certainly they’re an adversary.”

Key Points from the Interview: 

  • Fentanyl Crisis: Vance emphasized China’s role in manufacturing fentanyl, which is then smuggled into the U.S. via Mexican drug cartels. He criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for her lack of action, stating, “Kamala Harris has done nothing about this. She should apply diplomatic and economic leverage over the Chinese to stop manufacturing this fentanyl.”

  • Economic Leverage: Vance proposed using economic pressure against China, suggesting a message to Chinese dictator Xi Jinping: “Your entire economy is going to collapse unless you get access to American markets. You need to take this fentanyl seriously or we are going to impose serious tariffs and economic penalties.”

  • Potential Trade War: When asked about the potential fallout from such aggressive measures, Vance responded confidently, highlighting the strength of the American economy and workforce: “If we need to fight a trade war with the Chinese, we will fight it and we will win it.”

Vance criticized the current administration for being too timid in utilizing America’s economic power to combat the influx of fentanyl. He emphasized that bold actions are needed to protect Americans from this deadly drug.

The fentanyl crisis has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in recent years, with the synthetic opioid being responsible for a significant portion of drug-related deaths in the country. The crisis has worsened under the Biden-Harris Administration, raising concerns about the effectiveness of current policies and enforcement measures.

Vance’s remarks align with Trump’s broader approach to foreign policy and trade, which often involves leveraging economic strength to achieve national security goals. As the 2024 election approaches, the fentanyl crisis and U.S.-China relations are expected to be significant issues for voters.

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