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  • Trump Establishes ‘Jewish Voices for Trump’ Coalition to Rally Jewish Support

Trump Establishes ‘Jewish Voices for Trump’ Coalition to Rally Jewish Support

Coalition Aims to Combat Rising Anti-Semitism and Highlight Trump’s Pro-Israel Record

Former President Donald Trump has announced the creation of a new coalition, “Jewish Voices for Trump,” aimed at rallying Jewish support for his 2024 presidential campaign. The coalition brings together influential Jewish voices from various sectors, united in their backing of Trump as he seeks to reclaim the White House.

This announcement comes as the Democratic Party faces growing discontent within the Jewish community, spurred by the party’s association with far-Left figures like Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who have been criticized for their anti-Semitic rhetoric. This discontent has been further fueled by the Left’s response to Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, with some Democrats showing sympathy towards the Hamas terrorists rather than unequivocal support for Israel.

“United by its faith and heritage, the ‘Jewish Voices for Trump’ coalition recognizes the dangerous rise in radical leftist antisemitism in our streets and on our college campuses, and the historic achievements President Donald J. Trump made towards the strength and stability of the Jewish community, both at home and abroad,” the Trump campaign stated. “When he returns to the White House, President Trump is committed to the promise of restoring peace and prosperity, not just for the Jewish people, not just for the State of Israel, but for the entire world.”

The coalition’s creation highlights a key theme in Trump’s campaign: that the Jewish community, increasingly disillusioned with the Democratic Party, has a new political home with the GOP. “For those in the Jewish community who feel politically homeless, for those who have been betrayed by the Biden administration’s many flip-flops on the safety and security of the Jewish community and the State of Israel, you do have a home,” the statement continued.

Prominent figures within the Jewish community are standing behind Trump, emphasizing his unwavering support for Israel and the Jewish people. David Friedman, Trump’s former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, pointed to the rise in antisemitic protests on college campuses following the October 7 attacks as a direct result of the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration. He also warned of the existential threat posed by Iran-backed proxies, which has been exacerbated by current U.S. foreign policy.

Republican Jewish Coalition CEO Matt Brooks echoed these sentiments, declaring that the RJC is “proud to stand with the most pro-Israel President in US history, Donald J. Trump.” Brooks emphasized the importance of the upcoming election, calling it “the most important election of our lifetimes” and affirming the RJC’s commitment to Trump’s re-election.

Other notable figures in the “Jewish Voices for Trump” coalition include Jason D. Greenblatt, former Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations; Ellie Cohanim, former Deputy Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism; Aryeh Lightstone, former Senior Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Israel; and several others from media, legal, and political spheres.

As Trump continues his 2024 campaign, the “Jewish Voices for Trump” coalition will play a crucial role in mobilizing support within the Jewish community, reinforcing Trump’s strong pro-Israel stance and his commitment to combating rising antisemitism both in the U.S. and globally.

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