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  • Rashida Tlaib Criticizes Cartoon Highlighting Her Stance on Terrorism Against Israel

Rashida Tlaib Criticizes Cartoon Highlighting Her Stance on Terrorism Against Israel

Cartoon Criticizing Tlaib's Support for Terrorism Sparks Outrage, But Fails to Hide the Truth.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is once again stirring up controversy, this time fuming over a cartoon that exposed her long history of backing terrorism against Israel. The cartoon, which appeared in National Review, depicted Tlaib at her desk as her pager suddenly exploded an apt metaphor for her support of Hezbollah, a terrorist group hell-bent on destroying Israel.

Tlaib and her far-left colleagues quickly rushed to social media, decrying the cartoon as “racist” and “Islamophobic,” conveniently sidestepping the deeper issue: her ongoing defense of those who commit violence against innocent Israelis. The cartoon referenced Israel’s covert operation, where they detonated pagers they had sold to Hezbollah, wiping out dozens of terrorists in the process. But Tlaib, as usual, chose to play the victim card.

“Our community is already in so much pain right now,” Tlaib posted on X. “This racism will incite more hate + violence against our Arab & Muslim communities, and it makes everyone less safe.”

It's the same old script. Any critique of Tlaib’s unapologetic stance toward groups like Hezbollah and Hamas is immediately labeled as racist, all while she actively encourages anti-Israel sentiment. But let’s be clear: this has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with exposing the congresswoman’s blatant support for terror. Rashida Tlaib’s refusal to denounce these terror groups puts her in the spotlight, not as a victim, but as a perpetrator of hate.

Hussain Abdul-Hussain, a Research Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, hit the nail on the head when he dismissed Tlaib’s accusations of racism. “This cartoon is against Tlaib for her support of Hezbollah and Hamas,” he said, adding that it’s Tlaib, not her critics, who is distorting the views of all Arabs and Muslims. Many in the Arab-American community are, in fact, opposed to her extremist positions.

  • In 2019, Tlaib was banned from entering Israel due to her plans to meet with extremist groups that openly call for Israel's destruction.

  • Tlaib has been caught fraternizing with an alleged Hezbollah supporter and has consistently expressed sympathies for terror groups targeting the Jewish state.

  • Following the October 7 Hamas attack that left 1,200 Israelis dead, Tlaib called for the elimination of Israel and doubled down on her support for Hamas despite their genocidal intent.

The cherry on top? Tlaib’s refusal to condemn Hamas terrorists for atrocities like the beheading of Israeli babies and the raping of women. Her silence speaks volumes, and no amount of finger-pointing at "racism" can cover for her morally bankrupt stance. Instead of standing with the victims of terrorism, Tlaib has repeatedly aligned herself with the very groups responsible for these atrocities.

Tlaib’s latest outburst over a simple cartoon should surprise no one. But it’s past time we see through her act. Her support for terror is not just a “difference of opinion,” it’s a betrayal of the values that keep America and its allies safe.

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