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  • U.S. Special Forces Warn of Major Islamic Terror Attack Risk

U.S. Special Forces Warn of Major Islamic Terror Attack Risk

Biden’s foreign policy and border policies heighten terrorist threats.

In a stark warning, the Special Operations Association of America (SOAA) has sounded the alarm over an ultra-high threat of a major Islamic terrorist attack on U.S. soil, citing President Joe Biden’s foreign policy failures and open border policies as primary causes.

SOAA Chairman Christopher Miller, who served as Acting Secretary of Defense during the final phase of President Donald Trump’s first term, expressed grave concerns about the current threat landscape in a recent letter. The organization, representing thousands of elite military personnel such as Army Rangers, Navy SEALs, Marine Raiders, and Air Force Commandos, attributes the heightened risk to Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  • The chaotic pullout from Afghanistan has left the U.S. without crucial counterterrorism and intelligence capabilities, enabling terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda to regain strength rapidly.

  • The loss of intelligence collection in the region has rendered U.S. authorities blind to emerging threats, as terrorist training camps have reestablished, leading to successful attacks by ISIS against targets in Iran, Russia, and other locations.

Miller’s letter emphasized that the threat to U.S. national security is compounded by developments in the Middle East and the unsecured southern border. There have been numerous instances of individuals on terrorist watchlists attempting to enter the U.S., highlighting the vulnerability created by the administration’s border policies.

FBI Director Christopher Wray corroborated these concerns last year, testifying that foreign terrorists were attempting to exploit Biden’s open border policies to carry out attacks on U.S. soil. When questioned if the current situation mirrored the pre-9/11 landscape where officials noticed “blinking red lights” indicating an imminent threat, Wray responded: “I see blinking lights everywhere I turn.”

As the nation grapples with these escalating threats, the need for robust leadership and effective border security has never been more critical. The SOAA's warning is a clarion call for immediate action to protect the homeland from the dangers posed by Islamic terrorist groups.

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