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  • Senate Rejects Border Security Bill, GOP Calls It Political Stunt

Senate Rejects Border Security Bill, GOP Calls It Political Stunt

Democrats and Republicans clash over border security legislation ahead of the 2024 election.

The Democrat-controlled Senate once again rejected a border security bill, dubbed the “Border Act,” which previously failed to pass earlier this year. The bill sought to tighten the asylum process and bolster border security, but it fell short of the 60-vote threshold needed to advance, with 50 members voting against it and only 43 in favor.

Key Moments:

  • Sen. James Lankford’s Criticism
    Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), who helped craft the bill, criticized its revival as a political stunt. "I’m making it very clear with my vote that this is a stunt — not an attempt to do anything," Lankford told Newsmax. His remarks underscore the frustration among some Republicans over the handling of border security.

  • Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s Floor Speech
    Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) also expressed disappointment, stating that both parties have chosen "political theater" over genuine progress on the immigration issue.

  • GOP's Opposition
    Many GOP lawmakers argued that the bill would essentially codify President Joe Biden’s “open border” policies. House Republicans have already warned that the bill would be "dead on arrival" if it reached their chamber, advocating instead for the Senate to consider H.R. 2, a stricter border security bill passed by the House last year.

Political Reactions:

  • Speaker Mike Johnson’s Statement
    Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) called on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to join House Republicans in demanding that President Biden use his executive authority to secure the border and protect American families.

  • Schumer’s Response
    Schumer accused Republicans of blocking progress, stating, “While the GOP isn’t interested today in getting this done — we’ll keep trying. It’s too important to our national security, our communities, our country.”

  • President Biden’s Position
    Biden claimed that Republicans "do not care about securing the border or fixing America’s broken immigration system," and reaffirmed his commitment to taking action on the issue.

The rejection of the "Border Act" highlights the deep divide between Democrats and Republicans on immigration policy. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, border security remains a top concern for voters. Republicans continue to push for more stringent measures, while Democrats argue for comprehensive reform that balances security with humane treatment of migrants.

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