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Vivek Ramaswamy Calls for Shift in Right's Strategy Against Kamala Harris

Ramaswamy Urges GOP to Target Democrat System Instead of Personal Attacks.

Entrepreneur and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is urging Republicans to rethink their approach in attacking Democrat nominee Kamala Harris. Speaking on The Ben Shapiro Show’s Sunday Special, Ramaswamy argued that focusing on Harris' personal politics misses the larger target: the Democrat system itself.

Ramaswamy explained that the real battle is not with Harris as an individual but with the political machinery that installed her as the nominee. “We’re not running against a candidate, we’re running against a system,” he told Shapiro, highlighting how the Democratic establishment manipulated the 2024 race to swap out President Joe Biden for Harris without a single primary vote.

“They literally just photoshopped the presidential candidate,” Shapiro added, emphasizing how Biden was quickly removed in favor of Harris after one poor debate performance, further showcasing the Democratic Party's backroom dealings.

Ramaswamy noted that while Harris has a far-left track record, labeling her as a “communist” or “Marxist” gives her too much credit. Instead, he argued that she is simply a tool for the Democrat machine, with no consistent ideology of her own. “She’s now running as some sort of faux centrist, selectively embracing free market policies, even though she doesn’t know, at times, even what they may be,” he said.

Key Points From Ramaswamy’s Argument:

  • Attacking Harris personally misses the mark: Instead of going after her perceived ideologies, Ramaswamy insists the Right should focus on the systemic issues within the Democrat establishment.

  • Harris is not an ideologue: Ramaswamy rejects the idea that Kamala Harris holds firm socialist or Marxist beliefs, arguing that she’s merely another “cog in a machine.”

  • The Democrat system manipulated the process: Harris was quickly elevated after Biden’s exit, proving the Democratic leadership is more about maintaining power than representing the will of the people.

According to Ramaswamy, the GOP's current strategy of attacking Biden and Harris on a personal level has only strengthened Harris, positioning her as the “rescuer” from an ineffective Biden presidency. By failing to indict the broader Democratic machine and the managerial class that supports it, Republicans are missing the bigger picture.

“It’s actually legitimized Kamala Harris,” Ramaswamy explained, emphasizing how the Right’s attacks inadvertently made Harris a hero to Democrats desperate for change.

Ramaswamy’s proposed solution is clear: the GOP must stop playing into the Democrats' hands by focusing on individuals and start exposing the deeper systemic failures that have allowed politicians like Harris to rise to power. Instead of labeling her a Marxist, Republicans should show voters how the Democratic establishment is manipulating the system for their benefit.

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