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  • Paris Sees Protests Following Major Victory for Marine Le Pen’s Party in Elections

Paris Sees Protests Following Major Victory for Marine Le Pen’s Party in Elections

Left-wing protests intensify as National Rally Alliance makes significant gains.

Protests have erupted across Paris and several other French cities following the significant gains made by Marine Le Pen’s right-wing populist party, the National Rally Alliance, in the first round of parliamentary elections. President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Ensemble Coalition suffered substantial losses, sparking widespread demonstrations.

Key Points:

  • Election Results: National Rally secured 34% of the vote, a notable increase from 18.7% in 2022, potentially positioning them for an outright majority in the upcoming second round. Macron’s Ensemble Coalition finished third with 20%, a drop from 25.8% in the previous elections. The far-left party garnered 28.1%, performing well but likely insufficient to secure a majority.

  • Protest Outbreak: Left-wing protesters, comprising French socialists, communists, and pro-Palestinian groups, took to the streets in large numbers. Significant demonstrations occurred in Paris’ Place de la République, with other protests reported in Strasbourg, Lyon, Nantes, and Lille.

The protests were marked by a notable absence of French flags among demonstrators, as observed by OSINTdefender. "Mass Demonstrations and Riots by Far-Left Groups alongside Islamists are ongoing tonight in the French Capital of Paris as well as several other Cities around the Country, in Response to today’s Election Results which saw the Right-Wing Populist Party, National Rally led by Marine Le Pen make Major Gains in the French Parliament," they posted.

Additional footage shared by Open Source Intel highlighted the presence of left-wing activists, including ANTIFA and communists, protesting the election results after left-wing parties suffered heavy defeats. "Here’s footage from Paris tonight. Thousands of left-wing activists, along with ANTIFA, communists are protesting the French election results after left-wing parties suffered crushing defeats," the post read.

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally Alliance’s significant gains reflect a shift in the French political landscape, challenging the traditional centrist dominance and stirring unrest among the left-wing factions. As the second round of elections approaches, the intensity of the protests may escalate, underscoring the deep divisions within French society.

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