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  • New Intelligence on Iran's Nuclear Program Prompts Urgent U.S.-Israel Meeting

New Intelligence on Iran's Nuclear Program Prompts Urgent U.S.-Israel Meeting

Discovery Could Upend U.S. Assessment of Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions.

U.S. and Israeli officials met on Thursday to address a troubling new intelligence discovery regarding Iran’s nuclear capabilities. This latest information could potentially “upend” the U.S. assessment of Iran's intentions, as experts warn of heightened threats.

According to officials who spoke with Axios, the new intelligence reveals that Iranian nuclear scientists are utilizing computer modeling that might be employed in the development of nuclear weapons. This revelation comes as Iran continues to amass significant stockpiles of enriched uranium and expand its arsenal of advanced centrifuges, developments accelerated by President Joe Biden’s ineffective foreign policy stance.

The discovery has sparked “suspicion” and “concern” among U.S. and Israeli officials that Iran might be shifting its focus towards constructing nuclear weapons. Both nations have consistently pledged to prevent Iran from obtaining such capabilities.

Key Points:

  • Iran has rapidly increased its stockpiles of enriched uranium and the number of advanced centrifuges.

  • New intelligence suggests that Iranian scientists are using computer modeling that could be used for developing nuclear weapons.

  • The recent findings have prompted urgent discussions between U.S. and Israeli officials.

Israeli officials have emphasized the importance of taking every threat seriously, especially in the wake of the intelligence failures that led to the October 7 massacre. This heightened vigilance is particularly crucial regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions, as the nation has a history of working towards obtaining components for a nuclear warhead.

Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, noted that the new intelligence could significantly alter the U.S. perspective on Iran’s nuclear program. “For years now, the intelligence community has assessed Iran is not actively working to build a nuclear weapon... If true, this would upend that assessment and suggest Iran has a shorter runway to a bomb than previously reported,” said Goldberg, who previously served in the Trump administration as the director for Countering Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction for the White House National Security Council.

As both the U.S. and Israel respond to these developments, the urgency of addressing Iran's nuclear ambitions has never been more critical. The recent intelligence underscores the need for a robust and decisive approach to prevent Iran from achieving its nuclear goals.

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