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  • Nashville Hotel Cancels Pro-Israel Conference Amid Activist Pressure

Nashville Hotel Cancels Pro-Israel Conference Amid Activist Pressure

A pro-Israel event faces setbacks as a Nashville hotel withdraws amid safety concerns and activist campaigns.

In a controversial turn of events, the Sonesta Hotel in Nashville has decided not to host the upcoming Israel Summit, a conference aimed at bolstering support for Israel's sovereignty over its historic lands. This decision came after a significant push from anti-Israel activists, who mounted a pressure campaign that included alleged threats and calls for the event's cancellation.

Details of the Controversy

The conference, scheduled for May 20-22, was touted as the "first annual gathering of pro-Israel supporters," covering topics related to Israel's rights over Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip. However, the Palestine Hurra Collective Nashville ignited a fervent campaign against the venue, urging its followers on Instagram to contact the hotel and demand the event's cancellation, framing the conference as promoting genocide and racism.

The hotel ultimately withdrew its hosting agreement after discussions with local law enforcement, who expressed concerns over the safety of the attendees due to the threatening nature of some communications received. This decision underscores the growing tensions and challenges faced by events that touch on hot-button geopolitical issues.

Response from the Organizers

Despite the setback, the conference organizers, including HaYovel and other pro-Israel entities, have vowed to find an alternative venue. Prominent figures like former U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Israeli musician Yair Levi are slated to speak at the event, which aims to continue as planned, albeit at a yet-to-be-disclosed location.

HaYovel's response was resolute, emphasizing their determination to not be intimidated by what they described as "pro-Hamas thugs." They stated, "We will move forward with this event at a different venue and show these thugs that they will not be rewarded for their unconstitutional, hateful actions."

Broader Implications

This incident is part of a broader pattern of increased activism and opposition to Israel-related events across the U.S. and reflects the deep divisions that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to provoke globally. It also raises significant questions about freedom of speech and the ability to safely host events that discuss contentious international issues.

As this situation develops, it will be crucial to monitor how it influences public discourse on Israel in the U.S. and the responses from both supporters and critics of Israel's policies. Share this article to inform others about this significant event, and consider subscribing to our newsletter for updates on how these issues continue to unfold across the nation.