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  • Teachers Union Warns Critics with Lawsuit After Installing Radical Activist Over Israel Curriculum

Teachers Union Warns Critics with Lawsuit After Installing Radical Activist Over Israel Curriculum

Republican lawmakers push back against the appointment of an anti-Israel activist to develop school materials.

Massachusetts’ largest teachers union, the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), is threatening to sue Republican lawmakers who criticized the union’s decision to appoint a radical anti-Israel activist to develop educational materials about the Gaza war. The move has sparked outrage among conservatives, who argue that the union is prioritizing a political agenda over educational integrity.

The controversy centers on Ricardo Rosa, a figure with a history of anti-Israel and anti-American rhetoric, who was tasked by the MTA to create curricula about Israel and “Occupied Palestine.” Rosa’s appointment drew immediate condemnation from the Massachusetts House and Senate Republican Caucuses, who noted his inflammatory statements and advocacy for extremist positions, including glorifying terrorists and calling the United States a “settler colony.”

  • Union Threatens Legal Action: The MTA responded to the criticism by threatening to sue the Republican lawmakers, claiming that their objections were “reprehensible” and could incite threats against the union’s staff.

  • Radical Agenda: Critics argue that Rosa’s appointment is indicative of a broader problem within the MTA, which has faced criticism for its one-sided portrayal of Israel and rejection of alternative viewpoints, including a proposed workshop on Jewish diversity.

  • Political Fallout: The dispute has escalated tensions between the MTA and conservative lawmakers, who are calling for the union to revoke Rosa’s appointment and refocus on providing quality, unbiased education.

Rep. Steven Howitt, who organized the Republican response, defended the lawmakers’ letter, stating, “Our office mobilized members of the Republican Caucus to issue a joint statement condemning the decision and called on the MTA to revoke Dr. Rosa’s appointment and pause the development of these educational materials. I stand by the original statement issued by our caucus.”

The MTA’s decision to stand by Rosa and threaten legal action against its critics has drawn widespread criticism, particularly in light of Rosa’s history of incendiary comments. These include advocating for a “Free Palestine” and praising individuals linked to terrorist activities, which many argue are deeply inappropriate for someone in charge of developing educational content.

This isn’t the first time the MTA has come under fire for its actions. Earlier this year, the union faced backlash after hosting a webinar that praised Hamas terrorists, further fueling concerns about its direction under current leadership.

As the debate continues, the pressure on the MTA to reconsider its stance is mounting. Critics argue that allowing such radical influences in the classroom undermines both the safety of Jewish and Israeli students and the integrity of the education system as a whole.

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