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  • Texas Judge Lina Hidalgo Accused of Politicizing 12-Year-Old's Murder While Urging Others Not To

Texas Judge Lina Hidalgo Accused of Politicizing 12-Year-Old's Murder While Urging Others Not To

Lina Hidalgo deflects blame and points fingers at Republicans in contentious press conference.

In a contentious display of political maneuvering, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has come under fire for politicizing the tragic murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray while simultaneously demanding others refrain from doing so. Two illegal aliens from Venezuela, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, have been charged with capital murder in connection with the girl’s death.

During a press conference, Hidalgo, a far-left figure not originally from the United States, was questioned about whether her lenient law enforcement policies might have attracted criminal illegal aliens to Harris County. Instead of addressing the query, she deflected, claiming that the criminals came seeking opportunities and astonishingly blamed former President Donald Trump for Nungaray’s death.

“Would these guys have been here were there different immigration policies? Well, there was an opportunity to have them,” Hidalgo stated. She falsely claimed that President Biden's immigration policies, which she alleged were blocked by Trump and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, would have prevented such criminals from entering the country.

Hidalgo's assertions included the inaccurate claim that Biden’s immigration bill would have ended the practice of catch-and-release. She further diverted the focus from illegal immigration to “violence against women,” arguing that Republicans aim to exclude all immigrants, which would allegedly lead to the country's collapse.

In a bold attempt to shift responsibility, Hidalgo commented on the victim’s family: “It hurts even more that they’re being used as pawns in this fight over immigration that doesn’t even exist, because Biden and McConnell agree, it’s just that Trump won’t let them move it forward.”

A reporter quickly called out Hidalgo's contradictory stance, highlighting that her remarks were themselves politicizing the issue. When confronted about not addressing the question directly, and reminded that President Biden had dismantled Trump’s Remain-in-Mexico policy—allowing the accused murderers into the U.S.—Hidalgo dodged further: “Again, the Biden administration reached an agreement with Leader McConnell to address this, but this is not about immigration. I’m not gonna feed into that.”

Hidalgo’s evasive answers and overt politicization in such a sensitive case have drawn sharp criticism, raising serious questions about her commitment to addressing the real issues affecting Harris County.

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