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  • ISIS-Affiliated Network Smuggles Over 400 Illegal Aliens into U.S.

ISIS-Affiliated Network Smuggles Over 400 Illegal Aliens into U.S.

Biden Administration Struggles with National Security Crisis.

A staggering report has revealed that over 400 illegal aliens have been smuggled into the United States through an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network under President Joe Biden's administration. According to NBC News, multiple U.S. officials confirmed that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has identified these individuals, who were brought in through an Islamic terrorist network.

Out of these 400+ individuals, approximately 150 have been arrested, but the whereabouts of more than 50 remain unknown, causing significant alarm among federal law enforcement as they work to track and apprehend these individuals. The remaining illegal aliens are dispersed across 17 states, with arrests expected to continue.

The Biden administration has attempted to take credit for identifying and pursuing these illegal aliens, stating that their actions are taken out of “an abundance of caution.” However, critics argue that this crisis stems directly from Biden’s open borders policies, which have significantly compromised national security and immigration enforcement.

Key points from the report include:

  • Over 400 illegal aliens were smuggled into the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated network.

  • 150 individuals have been arrested, but over 50 remain unaccounted for.

  • The remaining illegal aliens are spread across 17 states and face imminent arrest.

These illegal aliens crossed the southern border and were released into the U.S. because there was no information at the time linking them to terrorism. This oversight is partly due to the lack of infrastructure in countries where ISIS operates to track terrorist suspects, and the reluctance of these countries to share information with the U.S.

Former FBI counterterrorism section chief Christopher O’Leary expressed his concern: “The fact that the whereabouts were unknown is clearly alarming. I believe the [U.S.] is scrambling to locate these individuals, and using the immigration charges is not uncommon. They are in violation of that law. And if you need to take somebody off the street, that’s a good approach to do it.”

This revelation follows the recent arrest of eight ISIS terrorist suspects in various U.S. cities earlier this month, who also entered the country illegally through the southern border.

The unfolding situation underscores the urgent need for stronger border security and more stringent immigration policies to protect national security.

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