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  • Poll: Over 60% of Independent Voters Back Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

Poll: Over 60% of Independent Voters Back Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

A recent poll indicates strong support among Independents for mass deportations, reflecting growing dissatisfaction with the current administration’s handling of immigration.

A recent poll from Reuters/Ipsos reveals that over 60 percent of Independents support the deportation of most or all illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States. This finding underscores the increasing public discontent with the current administration's immigration policies.

The poll highlights that 61 percent of Independents favor deporting illegal immigrants, a stance that is even more popular among registered Republicans, with 85 percent in support. In stark contrast, only 26 percent of registered Democrats back the policy.

  • Independents supporting deportation: 61%

  • Republicans supporting deportation: 85%

  • Democrats supporting deportation: 26%

Former President Donald Trump has made mass deportations a central campaign promise, and his allies are preparing executive orders and policies for a broader immigration crackdown. This public opinion trend could spell trouble for President Joe Biden as he seeks reelection.

Other polls also paint a grim picture for Biden’s immigration performance. Only 36 percent of voters approve of how he’s handling immigration, and a majority of Americans support increased deportations, building a southern border wall, and penalizing businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

  • Biden's immigration approval rating: 36%

  • Support for border wall and business penalties: Majority

Biden’s presidency has seen an unprecedented crisis at the southern border, with over 9.5 million encounters and 1.7 million estimated illegal immigrant gotaways. Additionally, illegal crossings at the northern border hit a record high in 2023, with 2024 on track to surpass that number. Under Biden, America’s foreign-born population has increased by 6.6 million, driven primarily by illegal immigration.

Voters now indicate a stronger trust in Trump over Biden to manage immigration, with only 20 percent believing the U.S. currently has control over its borders. The surge in illegal immigration and the administration's perceived inaction are likely driving these sentiments.

The growing dissatisfaction among Independents and Republicans alike signals a potential shift in voter priorities as the 2024 election approaches. As public support for stricter immigration enforcement rises, the Biden administration may face increasing pressure to address these concerns more effectively.

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