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  • John Bolton Slams Biden's Leadership, Compares Democrats to 'Lemmings

John Bolton Slams Biden's Leadership, Compares Democrats to 'Lemmings

Former Trump adviser warns Democrats of potential disaster with Biden as nominee.

Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton has delivered a stark warning to the Democratic Party, suggesting that President Joe Biden’s insistence on staying in the presidential race is akin to leading his party off a cliff. Bolton shared his thoughts during a CNN interview, where he was asked if Democrats should consider replacing Biden and whether there is still time to do so.

“Yeah, I think there are two points here,” Bolton began. “The message that President Biden basically gave to the Democratic Party yesterday evening was ‘Suit up, lemmings! I’m going off the edge of the cliff and you’re coming with me!'”

Key Points:

  • Stark Warning: Bolton criticizes Biden for potentially leading Democrats to electoral disaster.

  • Electoral Consequences: Bolton suggests Biden’s candidacy could inadvertently help elect Trump and more Republican lawmakers.

  • Urgency for Action: Bolton urges Democrats to reconsider Biden as their nominee before it’s too late.

Bolton emphasized the potential repercussions for Democrats if Biden remains their candidate. “Now, if that’s what the Democrats want to do, you know, they will elect Trump, they’ll also help elect a lot more Republican senators and House members,” he said. “There is nobody who can guarantee that that debate failure or something similar to it will not occur in September or October, and everybody knows that. And at that point, the Democrats will not have any option. They will be stuck. They will be tied to the mast of Biden’s ship as it goes down.”

He further noted the urgency for Democrats to act, warning that the window for making a change is rapidly closing. “This is their last clear chance to do anything,” Bolton asserted. “And all I can say is if they leave Biden as the nominee and Trump wins, I think Trump has an obligation in his victory speech election night to thank Biden and the Democrats for nominating him.”

Bolton’s remarks reflect a growing concern among some political analysts and party insiders about Biden’s viability as a candidate. The former national security adviser’s comments add to the ongoing debate over whether the Democratic Party should consider a different nominee to bolster their chances in the upcoming election.

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