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  • ICC Sanctions Bill Clears House in Response to Israeli Arrest Warrant Appeals

ICC Sanctions Bill Clears House in Response to Israeli Arrest Warrant Appeals

GOP-led effort aims to protect U.S. and allied officials from ICC prosecution.

In a decisive move, the GOP-led House passed the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act on Wednesday, threatening to impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) following its chief prosecutor's request for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders.

The bill garnered support from 205 Republicans and 42 Democrats, propelling it to the Senate despite President Joe Biden's opposition. Biden criticized the warrant applications but remains against the bill.

The legislation seeks to “impose sanctions with respect to the International Criminal Court engaged in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person of the United States and its allies.”

Key provisions include:

  • Property and interest restrictions
    The president would implement limitations on transactions involving property within the U.S.

  • Visa and admission restrictions
    Sanctions would also target visas, admissions, or paroles for individuals linked to ICC's actions.

Representative Chip Roy (R-TX), who introduced the bill last month, cited reports that the ICC was preparing to issue arrest warrants against Israeli officials in response to the Gaza conflict. "This sends a strong message to the ICC that we will not tolerate their outrageous attacks on Israel," Roy stated.

Roy emphasized that the bill is not solely about Israel, but also about protecting U.S. sovereignty and servicemembers. "Absent decisive leadership at the White House, Congress must stand in the breach defending our allies and our sovereignty," he added.

The push for this bill intensified after ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, alongside Hamas leaders, which drew bipartisan criticism in the U.S.

Biden labeled the ICC's actions as "outrageous," yet the White House released a policy statement opposing the bill, suggesting "more effective ways" for the U.S. to respond.

The Democrat-controlled Senate, led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), may not consider the ICC sanctions bill, similar to the dismissal of other GOP measures like last year's border security bill.

Representative Brian Mast (R-FL), a co-sponsor of the bill, urged the Senate to "immediately" pass the legislation, emphasizing the need for robust support for U.S. and allied leaders.

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