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  • House Democrats Oppose Bill to Bar Illegal Immigrants from Voting in D.C. Elections

House Democrats Oppose Bill to Bar Illegal Immigrants from Voting in D.C. Elections

The vote reveals a stark divide on the issue of non-citizen voting rights.

In a move that underscores the current political divide, a majority of House Democrats recently voted against a bill designed to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Washington D.C.'s municipal elections. The bill, introduced by Representative August Pfluger (R-TX), aims to ensure that only U.S. citizens can participate in these elections, countering a 2022 decision by the D.C. City Council.

Over 140 House Democrats opposed the legislation, which ultimately passed with a vote of 262-143, supported by every Republican and 52 Democrat members. The D.C. City Council’s plan, which allows non-citizens—including illegal immigrants—to vote after residing in the district for just 30 days, prompted this legislative response.

Key Points:

- Legislative Support: The bill received unanimous backing from House Republicans and support from a notable faction of Democrats.

- Representative Pfluger's Argument: Rep. Pfluger emphasized the need to protect the integrity of the voting process, stating that the D.C. Council's decision "dilutes the voting power of the citizen voter."

- Broader Context: This isn't an isolated issue. Non-citizens can vote in school board elections in San Francisco, and similar efforts are underway in San Jose, California, as well as municipalities in Vermont and Maryland.

Public figures like Elon Musk have expressed concern over the electoral implications of mass illegal immigration. Musk has suggested that Democrats are attempting to create a "one-party state" by legalizing as many illegal immigrants as possible. Polling data shows that 57% of likely voters agree with this perspective, believing that President Joe Biden is allowing a surge of illegal immigration to solidify a Democratic majority.

The current administration's handling of border security has exacerbated these concerns. Since Biden took office, there have been over 9.5 million nationwide encounters with illegal immigrants and an estimated 1.7 million gotaways. In stark contrast, the total reported gotaways during the last three years of the Trump administration was only 445,000.

The debate over non-citizen voting rights and illegal immigration continues to be a contentious issue, highlighting fundamental differences in the approach to maintaining the integrity of U.S. elections.

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