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  • Ex-ICE Director: Biden’s Open Border Policy Heightens Terror Threat

Ex-ICE Director: Biden’s Open Border Policy Heightens Terror Threat

Tom Homan warns of increased risk as illegal aliens flood into the U.S. under Biden’s lax border policies.

Former acting ICE Director Tom Homan has issued a stark warning about the significant threat to U.S. national security posed by the historic surge of illegal aliens entering the country under President Joe Biden’s open border policies. Homan voiced his concerns during a Saturday interview on Fox News.

“Look, I said for a long time, something is coming,” Homan warned, indicating that a terrorist attack on U.S. soil is increasingly likely. “No one is going to convince me that a single person off the watchlist hasn’t entered this country and not been apprehended. Just in the southern border alone, we are at 370 or so already.”

Key Points:

  • Homan highlighted the large, unmonitored sections of the U.S.-Mexico border, where high-tech surveillance equipment like drones and sensors are absent.

  • He noted that approximately 1.6 million known “gotaways” have likely crossed into the U.S. without detection.

  • Numerous instances of illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist infiltrating the U.S. have been documented.

Specific Cases:

  • In April, ICE arrested Afghan national Mohammad Kharwin, who was on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist. Kharwin, a member of the designated terrorist organization Hezb-e-Islami, entered the U.S. illegally and roamed freely for nearly a year.

  • Hezb-e-Islami, responsible for killing multiple American soldiers in Afghanistan, aims to establish an Islamic state rooted in sharia law. The DHS disputed the exact timing of Kharwin’s watchlist status but confirmed his terrorist ties.

  • Another alarming case involved an al-Shabaab terrorist who crossed the southern border and remained in the U.S. for nearly a year before being apprehended in Minnesota. Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda affiliate, has killed more U.S. citizens than any other al-Qaeda group since 2014.

Additional Context:

  • Homan emphasized the lack of preparedness, stating, “We do not know how many thousands of people have crossed in areas where we cannot track them.”

  • A recent Gallup poll revealed a record low confidence in U.S. border security, with 56% of Americans expressing dissatisfaction with current border policies.

These cases underscore the urgent need for robust border security measures to protect U.S. citizens from potential terrorist threats. Homan’s warnings serve as a critical reminder of the dangers posed by the current administration’s border policies.

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