Another Massive Government Money Laundering Scheme Exposed

Taxpayer dollars funneled to left-wing media while fraud runs rampant in federal agencies.

If you ever wondered why so-called "independent journalism" always seems to align with the interests of the Washington elite, the latest revelations about federal spending should make it all clear. Reports this week have exposed how left-wing media outlets like POLITICO, The New York Times, and The Associated Press have been raking in millions of taxpayer dollars under the guise of government subscriptions.

From 2016 to 2025, POLITICO alone collected over $8 million from federal agencies, selling its “POLITICO Pro” subscriptions for $10,000 a pop. Some of the biggest offenders include:

  • NASA–spent nearly half a million dollars on POLITICO Pro.

  • FDA–bought 37 subscriptions for a staggering $520,000.

  • State Department–more than $1 million in taxpayer funds.

  • Defense Department–$850,000 handed over to POLITICO.

  • USAID–the agency notorious for secret regime change operations, also funneled tens of thousands to the left-wing outlet.

It’s not just POLITICO. The New York Times started receiving millions from the federal government in 2021 coincidentally, the same year Joe Biden took office. And the Associated Press? It’s been quietly pocketing government cash for years.

In most authoritarian regimes, state media openly acknowledges its role as a government mouthpiece. But here in America, the game is even more sinister media outlets claim to be independent while secretly taking government money.

And what do taxpayers get in return? Propaganda disguised as journalism. Remember when POLITICO falsely claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” just weeks before the 2020 election? That wasn’t journalism that was election interference, bought and paid for by the very people who had a vested interest in keeping Trump out of office.

The corruption doesn't stop with media payouts. As the Department of Government Ethics (DOGE) combs through federal spending, even more waste and fraud are coming to light:

  • $20 million for a Sesame Street show in Iraq

  • $8 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid “binary-gendered language”

  • $2 million for sex changes in Guatemala

  • $2 million to help the BBC “value the diversity of Libyan society”

  • $40 million for AIDS drugs for transgender prostitutes in South Africa

  • $8 million to study the effects of flavored cigarettes on bisexuals and lesbians

And that’s just the beginning. DOGE is now investigating Medicare fraud, where insurers pocketed $50 billion for diseases no doctor ever treated. The scale of corruption is staggering.

Now that these backroom deals are being exposed, the media is in full damage control mode. CNN dismisses the revelations as a “false right-wing conspiracy theory”, even as the White House admits it is canceling POLITICO’s $8 million payday. Meanwhile, left-wing reporters scramble to justify why media giants are receiving millions from the very government they claim to hold accountable.

This is what real accountability looks like. The days of taxpayer-funded propaganda are coming to an end. And when the federal cash dries up, outlets like POLITICO will be forced to survive on their own merits meaning they won’t survive at all.

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