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  • Gabbard Slams CNN’s Dana Bash for Pushing Democrat Attacks on Trump’s Visit to Arlington

Gabbard Slams CNN’s Dana Bash for Pushing Democrat Attacks on Trump’s Visit to Arlington

Exposes Media's Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers and Their Families.

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) took CNN host Dana Bash to task on Sunday for promoting partisan attacks against former President Donald Trump over his recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery. Gabbard, a veteran and former presidential candidate, called out the left-wing network for its skewed coverage, which focused on minor details rather than the profound significance of Trump’s visit to honor the 13 U.S. service members killed during the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  • Gabbard criticized Bash for harping on whether Trump was allowed to film inside the cemetery, despite the fact that Trump’s team had obtained proper authorization and had been invited by the Gold Star families.

  • The former congresswoman highlighted the real issue: the lack of media coverage and national recognition of the third anniversary of the deaths of these service members, who made the ultimate sacrifice during one of the darkest chapters in recent U.S. military history.

“What is more outrageous to me,” Gabbard stated, “is that there wasn’t universal coverage of the momentous day of the third anniversary of the loss of these 13 Gold Star families and the outrage that they feel that their loved ones are not getting the kind of coverage and memory that their great sacrifice deserves.”

Gabbard, who attended the event at Arlington, described it as a “very grave and somber remembrance” and emphasized that Trump’s presence was an appropriate and heartfelt tribute to the fallen soldiers. She condemned the media for politicizing the event, especially when figures like Vice President Kamala Harris have never visited Arlington to honor these families or acknowledged their grief.

Gabbard’s rebuke of CNN and the Democrats underscores the growing frustration with how the media selectively covers events, often prioritizing political narratives over the dignity and respect owed to America’s fallen heroes and their families.

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