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  • Democrat Backs Down Payment Assistance for Illegal Immigrants, Faces Republican Backlash in Swing District

Democrat Backs Down Payment Assistance for Illegal Immigrants, Faces Republican Backlash in Swing District

Janelle Bynum supported legislation funding home purchases for non-citizens, sparking criticism ahead of a tight congressional race.

Oregon Democrat Janelle Bynum, who is running in a competitive congressional race, is facing sharp criticism after sponsoring legislation that funneled hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars into a program offering down payment assistance to illegal immigrants. Bynum, currently a state representative, co-sponsored Senate Bill 1579 in 2022, which led to grants being awarded to organizations like the Hacienda Community Development Corporation. One such grant, worth nearly $700,000, went to a program that provides $30,000 in down payment assistance exclusively to non-citizens, as reported by The Daily Caller and New York Post.

Bynum, who touts her work on housing affordability as a cornerstone of her campaign for Oregon's 5th Congressional District, has not addressed this specific program on her platform. Instead, her campaign website focuses on broader efforts to lower housing costs and improve access for low-income Oregonians. Yet, her Republican opponent, incumbent Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, has blasted Bynum for supporting what she sees as discriminatory policies favoring illegal immigrants over American citizens.

“While I’ve been working toward commonsense solutions to improve housing access and affordability for our citizens, my opponent was busy pushing legislation that would only help noncitizens,” Chavez-DeRemer said in a statement. She warned that such policies would “limit the current housing supply” and drive prices higher for Oregon families already struggling to make ends meet.

Bynum’s endorsement of SB 1579 is also under fire from national Republican groups, with the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) accusing her of putting illegal immigrants before law-abiding citizens. NRCC Spokesman Ben Petersen stated, “Bynum has made her extreme agenda crystal clear — criminals and illegal immigrants first, law-abiding American citizens last.”

The issue comes as Oregon grapples with a significant illegal immigration crisis. Over 180,000 illegal immigrants currently reside in the state, costing taxpayers $1.47 billion annually, according to a 2023 study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform. With Oregon facing one of the highest rates of homelessness in the country, many Republicans argue that policies like the one Bynum supports exacerbate the state’s housing crisis.

The 5th Congressional District race is expected to be a tight one in 2024. Chavez-DeRemer flipped the district from Democrat to Republican in 2022, and Bynum is vying to reclaim it for her party. Bynum narrowly defeated Chavez-DeRemer in two previous races for the Oregon House of Representatives, but this congressional race brings national attention and higher stakes. With Republicans holding only a nine-seat majority in the U.S. House, every swing district will be critical in the 2024 elections.

As the campaign unfolds, Bynum’s housing policies are likely to remain a focal point of GOP attacks, especially in a district where housing affordability is a pressing issue. Whether her focus on affordable housing and equity resonates with voters, or whether Chavez-DeRemer’s criticisms gain traction, remains to be seen.

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