Chris Pratt Honors Lives Lost in 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

The actor calls on Americans to never forget the sacrifices made that day.

Chris Pratt once again showed his deep respect for the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, taking to Instagram to honor the lives lost and remind Americans of the day that forever changed our country. In a heartfelt post, the 45-year-old actor expressed his sorrow for those “taken from us” in the attacks and emphasized the importance of remembering the tragedy.

“September 11, 2001,” Pratt began, “A day that will forever hold a place in our nation’s history. As I reflect on the tragedy of that fateful day, I grieve for each and every innocent soul that was taken from us.” He reminded his millions of followers that it is our responsibility to honor those lost and never let their memory fade: “Our lives were forever changed at 8:46 am 23 years ago, and we will #NeverForget.”

Pratt’s post included powerful images from the aftermath of the attacks, featuring firefighters covered in the dust of Ground Zero, and a haunting photo of a police officer sitting alone amid the destruction. These images, taken by Krista Niles and Tyler Hicks from The New York Times, captured the somber reality of the devastation.

This is not the first time the Guardians of the Galaxy star has used his platform to commemorate those lost. On the 21st anniversary of 9/11, Pratt honored the victims and heroes alike, sharing a photo of a hillside covered in American flags. He wrote: “Today we remember those who woke up, kissed their families goodbye, and went to work without realizing they wouldn’t return. Forever in our hearts and in memory. #911.” His message resonated with his followers, many of whom echoed his sentiments of respect and grief.

Chris Pratt has consistently used his platform to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, including frequent tributes to military members. On Memorial Day, Pratt urged Americans to remember the fallen, stating, “Today we pay tribute and remember all of the brave men and women who have laid down their lives in service of our nation.”

In a time where so much seems to divide us, Pratt’s message is a reminder of the unity that followed the horrific attacks of September 11th, and the deep respect for those who gave their lives. His call to never forget is one we should all heed.

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