Biden's Fiery Exchange with Trump Shows Desperation

Biden's Anger Can't Hide His Failures as Trump Defends His Record

President Joe Biden's rage was palpable during Thursday night's presidential debate against former President Donald Trump. In a heated moment, Biden dredged up a widely disputed story, accusing Trump of calling U.S. soldiers “suckers and losers,” a claim debunked by numerous former Trump officials.

  • Biden attempted to paint a rosy picture of his administration, asserting that “veterans are a hell of a lot better off” under his leadership.

  • Despite Biden's claims about his son's military service, fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked his assertions about the circumstances of his son's illness.

  • Trump retaliated forcefully, denying the "suckers and losers" comment and criticizing Biden for perpetuating false narratives.

Trump’s defense was clear and unwavering, emphasizing his dedication to the military and exposing Biden’s attempt to distract from his own shortcomings. This exchange underscores the growing tension and desperation from Biden's camp as the election nears.

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