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  • Hostage Executions Reveal Biden-Harris’s Dangerous Weakness on Hamas

Hostage Executions Reveal Biden-Harris’s Dangerous Weakness on Hamas

The West’s moral failure emboldens Hamas as the Biden administration shifts blame to Israel.

This weekend brought the horrifying news that six Israeli hostages, including an Israeli-American, were brutally executed by Hamas terrorists. Held for over 300 days, these hostages were tortured in darkness, only to be shot point-blank in the back of the head just as Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) got close to rescuing them. One of the victims, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, had his arm sawn off by Hamas before being held for months and then murdered in cold blood.

Hamas, ever the bloodthirsty terror group, even released videos of the executions to boast about their atrocities. But the real shock comes not just from Hamas’s evil, but from the response or lack thereof by the Biden administration, which continues to display stunning moral weakness in the face of terrorism.

  • Israel at War With Monsters: Israel has been fighting to dismantle Hamas since the October 7 attacks. While many in the West criticize Israel’s military operations in Gaza, they seem to forget the sheer brutality of Hamas. This group has held babies hostage, raped civilians, and executed people in the most barbaric ways imaginable. Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s leader, is now hiding underground, surrounded by hostages he threatens to kill if Israel comes any closer.

  • Biden’s Dangerous Weakness: The Biden-Harris administration's response to these executions? More pressure on Israel. Joe Biden, returning from vacation, was asked if Prime Minister Netanyahu is “doing enough” to handle the hostage crisis. His answer: “No.” This comes despite the fact that Biden’s own administration has done next to nothing to put pressure on Hamas. In fact, earlier this year, the administration even warned Israel against conducting operations in Rafah, where many hostages are held, threatening to withhold military support.

  • Western Moral Relativism: The Left’s moral relativism is on full display here. Rather than unequivocally condemning Hamas, the Biden administration continues to push for concessions from Israel, the nation whose citizens are being butchered by terrorists. This twisted worldview, where moral equivalence is drawn between a democracy like Israel and a genocidal terror group like Hamas, is not just absurd it’s dangerous.

The only way to end this conflict is for Israel to completely defeat Hamas. Yet the West, led by Biden and Harris, seems intent on tying Israel’s hands, ensuring that the terror group remains a threat. As Hamas continues to murder hostages and commit atrocities, Biden’s policies only embolden them to carry out more acts of terror.

Every American and Israeli should be outraged not only by Hamas's evil but by the Biden administration’s enabling of it. The message they’re sending is clear: execute hostages, and the West will pressure your enemies to make concessions. This moral failure is not only disgraceful, it’s deadly.

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