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  • Biden Refutes Blame for Historic Increase in Illegal Immigration Under His Administration

Biden Refutes Blame for Historic Increase in Illegal Immigration Under His Administration

Voters increasingly favor Trump’s immigration policies amid border crisis

President Joe Biden recently denied responsibility for the unprecedented surge in illegal immigration under his administration during an interview with Time Magazine. When questioned about the border crisis, Biden responded with a simple "no" when asked if his humanitarian policies had contributed to the record illegal border crossings.

The interviewer pressed further, asking if Biden regretted lifting any of Trump-era immigration measures. Biden doubled down, stating, "If I was wrong, it’s because I took too long," standing by his immigration record.

Under Biden’s term, illegal immigration has reached historic levels. The foreign-born population in the United States soared to an all-time high of 51.6 million in March this year. There have been over 9.5 million nationwide encounters and an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrant gotaways during his presidency.

Critics point to several of Biden’s actions as catalysts for the surge:

  • Halted border wall construction
    On his first day in office, Biden stopped the construction of the border wall via executive order.

  • Ended 'Remain in Mexico' policy
    This policy required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for their legal proceedings. Biden’s administration canceled over 350,000 asylum cases, allowing migrants to stay in the U.S. indefinitely.

  • Revoked Title 42
    This Trump-era policy enabled Border Patrol to expel illegal immigrants back to Mexico quickly.

These decisions have drawn significant criticism, with many arguing they have exacerbated the border crisis. As the election approaches, Biden's handling of immigration appears to be a liability. Polls indicate that only 36% of voters approve of his performance on immigration. Additionally, over 60% of Independents support Trump’s proposed immigration policies, particularly the deportation of illegal immigrants.

Voters have expressed more trust in Trump to manage immigration effectively. Only 20% believe that the U.S. currently has control over its borders, reflecting growing discontent with Biden's approach.

As the border crisis remains a pressing issue, Biden faces mounting pressure from both critics and voters, highlighting the critical role immigration policy will play in the upcoming election.

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