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  • Ben Shapiro Exposes the ‘Rot’ in American Education at Yale Speech

Ben Shapiro Exposes the ‘Rot’ in American Education at Yale Speech

Shapiro warns that college campuses are embracing dangerous ideologies, undermining Western values.

On the anniversary of Hamas’ deadly attack on Israel, Ben Shapiro delivered a searing speech at Yale University, targeting the state of American education. Speaking at an event hosted by the Young America’s Foundation and Yale’s Buckley Institute, Shapiro’s remarks highlighted the ideological decay that has overtaken U.S. college campuses.

Shapiro began by recounting the horrors of October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched the most lethal attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust, killing around 1,200 people and capturing hundreds. Yet, instead of a unified condemnation, Shapiro pointed out that many American universities were flooded with pro-Hamas protests, a reality that revealed the depth of anti-Western sentiment on campuses.

“The extent of the rot at the core of American education has been truly revealed over the course of the last year,” Shapiro declared. He warned that the reaction to the Hamas attack reflects a broader trend: the growing acceptance of anti-Western ideologies among students. He noted, "It’s a reminder of what happens when the West goes to sleep on its own principles, when it imports people who don’t believe in the West’s principles, and when it cultivates an entire generation of people who don’t believe in the mission of its civilization.”

Key moments from Shapiro’s remarks:

  • He blasted U.S. universities for becoming hotbeds of anti-Israel sentiment, citing the mass protests supporting Hamas and Hezbollah.

  • Shapiro criticized elite institutions like Yale for failing to uphold basic Western values, stating that donors and employers should reconsider their ties to these schools.

  • He compared the situation at Yale to his own alma mater, Harvard, saying both universities have allowed radical ideologies to take root.

Yale, like many prestigious institutions, has faced harsh scrutiny for the rising tide of anti-Israel sentiment on campus. This past April, student activists even threatened a hunger strike, demanding that Yale divest from weapons manufacturers allegedly linked to Israel. Just last week, anti-Israel demonstrators at Yale chanted extremist slogans, underscoring how far things have devolved at America’s top universities.

Despite this troubling trend, Shapiro expressed hope. However, he emphasized that change will only come if donors and employers hold these institutions accountable. “Donors are going to have to start threatening to withdraw their money,” Shapiro said, warning that higher education in America is rapidly losing its credibility.

In a time when the principles of Western civilization are under siege, Shapiro’s message resonated: it’s time for conservatives to wake up to the dangers lurking on U.S. college campuses.

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