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  • Arizona Ballot Measure Proposes Making Illegal Immigration a State Crime

Arizona Ballot Measure Proposes Making Illegal Immigration a State Crime

Secure the Border Act" aims to bolster Arizona’s border security and criminalize illegal immigration.

Voters in Arizona will soon have the opportunity to enact significant border security measures as the state grapples with a surge in illegal immigration. This November, a resolution passed by the Republican-led state legislature will place the "Secure the Border Act" on the general election ballot.

The act includes provisions that would make illegal immigration a state crime, enabling law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants who enter Arizona. This follows the lead of states like Texas and Oklahoma, which have enacted similar laws.

“Nothing good comes from open borders,” Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma said in a statement after the House passed the measure, according to the New York Post. “Only crime, deadly drugs, violence, unsafe communities, and an unending financial drain on American taxpayers. Yet, Democrat leaders fiercely oppose doing anything about it.”

The measure narrowly passed with a 31-29 vote in the House and a 16-13 vote in the Senate, with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed.

The upcoming ballot initiative could mobilize voters concerned with illegal immigration, potentially impacting President Joe Biden’s standing in the swing state. Biden has faced broad criticism for his handling of illegal immigration, a key issue for many Arizonans.

According to the text of the resolution, the act would empower “law enforcement to protect the public by arresting aliens who fail to enter Arizona’s southern border through official ports of entry.” It would also establish “criminal offenses for a person to knowingly present false documents to obtain public benefits or to evade workplace eligibility detection through the e-verify program” and increase “punishments for criminals who fuel the crisis at the southern border by selling fentanyl that causes the death of another person.”

Moreover, the resolution aims to enhance Arizona law to prevent individuals illegally in the state from receiving public benefits or becoming eligible for entitlement programs.

The ballot initiative bypasses Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs, who vetoed a bill with similar measures earlier this year. Hobbs argued that the legislation would “demonize our communities and lead to racial profiling.”

“Arizonans are crying out for common sense security measures,” Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake told NBC News. “I am encouraged that Arizona Republican state legislators are doing their best to deliver it even if they have to go around Hobbs’ veto to do it.”

Record levels of illegal immigrants have crossed the border under Biden’s administration, with Arizona being significantly impacted. Former President Donald Trump has emphasized border security as a major component of his 2024 presidential campaign, resonating with many voters concerned about this issue.

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