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Naftali Bennett Condemns Biden’s Response to Iran’s Assault, Asserts Israel’s Resolve


Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has vocally criticized President Joe Biden for his perceived weak response to Iran’s aggressive missile attacks on Israel. This confrontation highlights a growing fissure in strategic approaches to Middle Eastern security.

Last Sunday, Iran launched a severe barrage against Israel, deploying an arsenal of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones. This massive attack saw hundreds of projectiles aimed at Israeli soil, which Bennett claims, contrary to some reports, was no mere demonstration for domestic audiences in Iran but a calculated attempt to overwhelm Israeli defenses and inflict casualties.

Key Points:

  • Bennett has slammed the Biden administration’s suggestion that Israel should view the interception of 99% of these missiles as a ‘win’. He argues that true victory lies not in defense but in deterrence and retaliation.
  • Calling Iran a “terror-octopus” with tentacles across Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Gaza, Bennett emphasized the need for a strategy that targets the Iranian regime directly rather than just its proxies.
  • He warns of the broader implications of Iran’s tactics, suggesting that if unchecked, such strategies could become a new norm for terrorist operations globally.

Bennett’s stance is clear: passive defense is not enough. “When a bully tries to hit you 350 times, and you block most of those punches, you haven’t won,” he stated emphatically. Instead, he calls for a proactive posture that “exacts a deeply painful price” on aggressors, ensuring they think twice before another assault.

The former Prime Minister also pointed out a critical error in past strategies where Israel focused too much on battling proxy groups rather than addressing the core of the problem in Tehran. Moving forward, Bennett advocates for a direct and unyielding response to any aggression from Hezbollah or Hamas by making Iran accountable.

In his call to the international community, Bennett urged for unwavering support for Israel during these challenging times. “We’re not asking anyone to fight for us. We’ll do the job. But we do expect our allies to have our back, especially when it’s tough,” he declared, stressing the importance of global solidarity against terror regimes.

This incident not only strains U.S.-Israel relations but also poses serious questions about the effectiveness of current diplomatic and military strategies against state-sponsored terrorism. As tensions in the Middle East continue to escalate, the world watches closely how alliances and tactics will evolve to ensure stability and peace in the region.

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Alexandra Russel
Alexandra Russel
Highly respected journalist and political commentator with over a decade of experience in the industry. Alex was born and raised in Florida, where she developed a passion for writing at a young age, leading her to pursue a degree in journalism from the University of Florida. After graduation, she worked as a political reporter for several local and national publications before being appointed as the chief editor at Conservative Fix.

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